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Learning and Regularization


  1. Dropout - This is a mechanism in which at each training iteration (batch) we randomly remove a subset of neurons. This prevents a neural network from relying too much on individual pathways, making it more robust. At test time the weight of the neuron is rescaled to reflect the percentage of the time it was active.
  2. Early stopping - This is another heuristic approach to regularization that refers to choosing some rules to determine if the training should stop.
  3. The “vanishing gradient” problem can be solved using a different activation function: the sigmoid function.
  4. Every node in a neural network has an activation function.

Acitivation function



  • Gradient Descent
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent: use a single random point at a time.


Standard form of update formul W=WαJW = W - \alpha \cdot \nabla J. e.g.)

However, variants!


η<1\eta < 1 is momentum. Keep running average of the gradient.

vt=ηvt1+αJW=Wvtv_t = \eta v_{t-1} + \alpha \cdot \nabla J\\ W = W-v_t
nesterov Momentum

Gradient correction!

vt=ηvt1+α(Jηvt1)v_t = \eta v_{t-1} + \alpha \cdot \nabla (J-\eta \cdot v_{t-1})


Update grequentlyudpated weight less, keep running sum of previous updates, divide new upate by factor of previous temrm


Rather than using the sum o


Both 1st, 2nd order change information and decay both over time

mt=β1mt1+(1β1)Jvt=β2vt1+m_t = \beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1-\beta_1) \nabla J \\ v_t = \beta_2 v_{t-1} +

Details of Training model


  • Full batch GD
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent: steps are less informed,
  • Mini-batch: use a subset of the data at a time. get derivative of a small set adn take a step in that direction. -> balance GD and SGD
    • if it is small, faster less accurate
    • large, slower, more accurate
  • Terminology
    • Epoch: single pass through all of the training data.
    • n/batchsizen/batch size in minibatch

Data Shuffling: To avoid any cyclical movement and aid convergecne.

Convlutional Neural Network

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