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Variable Transformation

We often assume normally distributed data. But often skewed -> Data transformation solve this

Log transformation

Log transformation is a transformation that takes the natural log of the data. Useful for linear regression. Solve right skewed

Polynomial Features

higher order relationship

from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)
polyfeat = poly.fit(data)

Feature Encoding

Variable selection involves choosing the set of features

  • Encoding: converting non-numeric features to numeric features
    • applied to categorical features
      • Nominal: Red, blue
      • Ordinal: high, medium, low
    • Binary encoding: 0, 1
    • One-hot encoding: multiple columns for each category with binary vaiables
    • Ordinal encoding: converting ordered categories to numerical values. (e.g. 0,1,2,3,…)
  • Scailing: converting the scale of numeric data so they are comparable

Feature Scaling

Adjusting a variable scale, so that comparison of variables with different scales

Why problematic?

If scale is so small, it will be hard to compare.


  • Standard scailing: convert features to standard normal variable
  • Min-max scailing: convert features to min-max. It is sensitive to outliers
  • Robust scaling: similar to min-max but maps the interquartile range 1Q to 0 and 3Q to 1. Other range takes values outside of the (0,1) interval.

Common Variable Transformation

Feature type

  • Continuous: Standard, Min-max, Robust scaling
    • from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler
  • Nominla: Categorical, unordered features: Binanry, One-hot encoding
    • from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, LabelBinarizer, OneHotEncoder
    • from pandas import get_dummies
  • Ordinal: Categorical, ordered features: Ordinal encoding
    • from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
    • from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder


  1. Boxcox transformation
    A Box Cox transformation is a transformation of non-normal dependent variables into a normal shape.

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