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Estimation and Inference

Estimation is the application of an algorithm, to estimate parameter, e.g. mean, variance, etc. Inference involves putting an accuracy on the estimated value ? Statistical significancy
Machine Learning and Statistical inference are similar. ML uses data to learn/infer qualities of a distirbution that generated the data, which is data-generating process.\


sns.barplot(x="variable", y="value", data=df)
sns.barplot(y, x=pd.cut(df.variable, bins=#), data=df)
pairplot = data[['x', 'y', 'z']]
sns.pairplot(pairplot, hue = "variable")
sns.jointplot(x="x", y="y", data=df, kind='hex') # hexbin plot

Parametric vs Non-parametric

Non-parametric is creating a distribution(CDF) of the data using a histogram.


Parametric model is a prticular type of statistical model. e.g.) Nomal distribution. Customer
lifetime value (CLV) is a parametric model.\

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)

likelihood function is related to probability and is a function of the parameters of the model

Λn(θ)=Πi=1nf(Xi,θ)\Lambda_n (\theta) = \Pi_{i=1}^{n} f(X_i, \theta)

Frequentist vs Bayesian


frequentist is concerened with repeated observations in the limit. Processes may have true frequencies, but we focus on repetition of experiment.

  1. Derive the probabilistic property of a procedure
  2. Apply the probability directly to the observed data


    Bayesian describes parameters by orobability distributions. Prior distribution is formulated, this prior is updated after seeing data into posterior distbution.

Hypothesis testing

Hypothesis is a statement about a population parameter

  • null hypothesis: H0H_0 and alternative hypothesis: H1H_1
  • p-value: P(H0)P(H_0) In Bayesian inference, we don’t get decision boundary.

Bayesian interpretation

Given Priors P(H1)=P(H2)=1/2P(H_1) = P(H_2) = 1/2
Then by Bayes’ Rule, likelihood ratio is defined as below.

P(H1x)P(H2x)=P(H1)P(xH1)P(H2)P(xH2)\frac{P(H_1|x)}{P(H_2|x)} = \frac{P(H_1)P(x|H_1)}{P(H_2)P(x|H_2)}

Likelihood ratio tells how we should update the priors in reation to seeing a given set of data.

Types of Error

Neyman-Pearson paradigm (1993)

non-bayesian inference

  Accept H0H_0 Reject H0H_0
H0H_0 Correct Type 1 Error
H1H_1 Type 2 Error Correct

Power of a test: 1 - P(Type 1 Error)


test statistics, rejeciton region, acceptance region, null distribution

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