


Bernoulli and Binomial

Bernoulli Distribution

Bernoulli experiment a random experiment that outcome are classified with two mutually exclusive and exhaustive ways
Bernoulli process a sequence of Bernoulli trials.

Let X be a random variable associated with a Bernoulli trial

  1. The pmf of X is p(x)=px(1p)1x,x=0,1p(x) = p^x(1-p)^{1-x}, x=0,1
  2. The expected value is E[X]=pE[X] = p
  3. The variance is var(X)=p2(1p)+(1p)2p=p(1p)var(X) = p^2(1-p)+(1-p)^2p = p(1-p)

Binomial distribution

Binomial random variable XX: XX = # of sucesses in nn Bernoulli trials, denoted by b(n,p)b(n,p)

  1. The pmf of XX is p(x)=(nx)px(1p)nx,x=0,1,...,np(x) = \binom{n}{x} p^x(1-p)^{n-x}, x=0,1,...,n
  2. The mgf: [t]E(etX)=x=0netx(nx)px(1p)nx=(1p+pet)n\begin{aligned}[t] E(e^t \cdot X) = \sum_{x=0}^{n}e^{tx} \binom{n}{x}p^x(1-p)^{n-x} = (1-p+pe^t)^n \end{aligned}
  3. The mean and variances: E(X)=np, Var(X)=np(1p)E(X) = np,\ Var(X) = np(1-p)

M(t)=n((1p)+pet)n1×petM(t)=n(n1)((1p)+pet)n2(p2e2t)+petn((1p)+pet)n1\begin{aligned} & M'(t) = n((1-p)+pe^t)^{n-1} \times pe^t \\ & M''(t) = n(n-1)((1-p)+pe^t)^{n-2}(p^2e^{2t}) + pe^tn((1-p)+pe^t)^{n-1} \end{aligned}
From 1st moment, μ=M(0)=np\mu = M'(0) = np
Also, σ2=M(0)(M(0))2=np(1p)\sigma^2 = M''(0)-(M'(0))^2 = np(1-p)

Example 3.1.4. Weak Law of Large Numbers

Let Yb(n,p)Y \sim b(n,p). We call Y/nY/n the relative frequency of success.
Using the Chebyshev’s inequality (Thm 1.10.3),

for ϵ>0, P(Ynϵ)Var(Y/n)ϵ2=p(1p)nϵ2for\ \forall\epsilon>0,\quad \ P(|\frac{Y}{n}\leq \epsilon|)\geq \frac{Var(Y/n)}{\epsilon^2}=\frac{p(1-p)}{n\epsilon^2}

As such, for every fixed ϵ\epsilon, righthand is closed to zero if nn is sufficiently large.
By equaition, limnP(Ynpϵ)=0\lim_{n \to \infty} P\big(\big|\frac{Y}{n}-p\big|\leq \epsilon\big)=0 and limnP(Ynp<ϵ)=1\lim_{n \to \infty} P\big(\big|\frac{Y}{n}-p\big|<\epsilon\big) =1

Example 3.1.5.

Therorem 3.1.1. Sum of Binomial Distribution

Let independent random variables X1,..,XmX_1,..,X_m where Xib(ni,p) for i=1,...,mX_i \sim b(n_i, p)\ for\ i=1,...,m. Then Y=i=1mXiY = \sum_{i=1}^{m}X_i has a b(i=1mni,p)b(\sum_{i=1}^{m}n_i, p) distribution.

mgf of binomial distribution is MXi(t)=(1p+pet)niM_{X_i}(t) = (1-p+pe^t)^{n_i}.
By independence, MY(t)=i=1m(1p+pet)ni=(1p+pet)i=1mniM_Y(t) = \prod_{i=1}^{m}(1-p+pe^t)^{n_i}=(1-p+pe^t)^{\sum_{i=1}^{m}n_i}

Negative Binomial distribution

Y denote the total number of failures in the sequence before rthr^{th} success.

  • Y+r equals to the nuber of trials necessary to produce exactly r successes with the last trial as a success.
  • Why Negative?: P(y)P(y) is a general
  1. pmf: p(y)=(y+r1r1)pr(1p)yy=0,1...p(y) = \binom{y+r-1}{r-1}p^r(1-p)^y\, y=0,1...
  2. mgf: M(t)=pr(1(1p)et)r for t<log(1p)M(t) = p^r(1-(1-p)e^t)^{-r}\ for\ t<-log(1-p)

Geometric distribution

Y is a number of trials until a success
This is r=1r=1 case of Negative Binomial distribution

  1. pmf: p(y)=p(1p)yy=0,1,2,...p(y) = p(1-p)^y\, y=0,1,2,...
  2. mfg: M(t)=p(1(1p)et)1M(t) = p(1-(1-p)e^t)^{-1}

Multi-Nomial distribution

The experiments is held by kk mutually exclusive and exhaustive ways.

  1. pmf: n!X1!Xk!p1X1pkXk\frac{n!}{X_1! \cdots X_k!}p_1^{X_1}\cdots p_k^{X_k} where Xk=n(X1++Xk1)X_k = n-(X_1+\cdots+X_{k-1}) and i=1kpi=1\sum_{i=1}^{k}p_i =1
  2. mgf: M(t1,...,tk1)=(p1et1++Pk1etk1+pk)nM(t_1, ... , t_{k-1}) = (p_1e^{t_1}+ \cdots + P_{k-1}e^{t_{k-1}}+p_k)^n for t1,...,tk1Rt_1, ... , t_{k-1} \in \mathbb{R}
  3. Joint mfg: M(0,,ti,,0)=(pieti+(1pi))nM(0,\dots, t_i,\dots, 0) = (p_ie^{t_i}+(1-p_i))^n
  4. Trinomial distribution (Xi,Xj)(X_i, X_j) has mgf

    M(0,,0,ti,0,,0,tj,0,0)=(pieti+pjetj(1pipj))nM(0,\dots,0,t_i, 0,\dots,0, t_j,0\dots, 0) = (p_ie^{t_i}+p_je^{t_j}(1-p_i-p_j))^n

  5. Conditional distribution of XiX_i given XjX_j:
    pX2X1(x2x1)=(nx1x2)(p21p1)x2(1p21p1)nx1x2p_{X_2|X_1}(x_2|x_1) = \binom{n-x_1}{x_2}\big(\frac{p_2}{1-p_1}\big)^{x_2}\big(1-\frac{p_2}{1-p_1}\big)^{n-x_1-x_2}

M(t1,...,tk1)=E(et1X1++tk1Xk1)=n!x1xk=(p1et1)x1(pk1etk1)xk1pkxk=(p1et1++pk1etk1+pk)n\begin{aligned} M(t_1,...,t_{k-1}) & = E(e^{t_1X_1+\cdots+t_{k-1}X_{k-1}}) = \sum_{} \cdots \sum_{} \frac{n!}{x_1 \cdots x_k}\\ & = (p_1e^{t_1})^{x_1} \cdots (p_{k-1}e^{t_{k-1}})^{x_{k-1}}p_k^{x_k} = (p_1e^{t_1}+ \cdots +p_{k-1}e^{t_{k-1}+p_k})^n \end{aligned}

Hypergeometric distribution

Let N as number of items and D is a number of defective items amont them. Let X is a number of defective items in a sample of size n, without replacement.

  • Binomial distribution is sampling with replacement.
  1. pmf: p(x)=(NDnx)(Dx)(Nn)p(x) = \frac{\binom{N-D}{n-x}\binom{D}{x}}{\binom{N}{n}}
  2. mean: nDNn\frac{D}{N}
  3. variance: nDNNDNNnN1n\frac{D}{N}\frac{N-D}{N}\frac{N-n}{N-1}
    • It has correction term when sampling without replacement.

Poisson Distribution

Poision Process a process that generate a number of changes in a fixed interval

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