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multiple h1 is availalbe?

White noise

We assume it is uncorrelated

  1. Cov(at,at+1)=0Cov(a_t, a_{t+1}) = 0 Covariance measures linear relationship between X, Y. e.g.) Y=X2+1Y=X^2+1 have Cov=0Cov=0
    • e.g.2) What if Y=X2Y=X^2? Cov(X,Y)=E[XX2]E[x]E[X2]Cov(X,Y) = E[X \cdot X^2] - E[x]E[X^2].
    • Since X and Y are (0,0) symmetric, Cov(X,Y)=0Cov(X,Y) = 0
  2. E(at)=0E(a_t) = 0
  3. Var(at)=σ2Var(a_t) = \sigma^2 constatnt w.r.t. time

=> Denoted as atiidwitenoise(0,σ2)a_t \sim^{iid} witenoise(0, \sigma^2)\

Usually assume i.i.d.i.i.d. wn. Independent is sufficient condition of Cov(at,at+1)=0Cov(a_t, a_{t+1}) = 0 but not for the other way.

Stationary time series

XtX_t is statoary = XtX_t’s distribution does not change

Strictly Stationary

LetFt1,t2,,tn(x1,,xn)=P(tx1,,tnxn)Let\:F_{t_1,t_2,\cdots, t_n}(x_1, \cdots, x_n) = P(t\leq x_1, \cdots, t_n\leq x_n ). If this equals with Ft1+h,,tn+h(x1+h,,xn+h)F_{t_{1+h},\cdots, t_{n+h}}(x_{1+h}, \cdots, x_{n+h}), then the time series is stationary.
If then, Cov(xt,Xs)=Cov(Xt+h,Xs+h)Cov(x_t, X_s) = Cov(X_{t+h}, X_{s+h}) Why? looking at cdf of random variable is impossible. At most joint pobability of 2 variable are possible to find.

Weakly stationary

In most case it is weakly stationary if we call some process is stationary. XtX_t has Cov(Xt,Xt+h)Cov(X_t, X_{t+h}) only dependent on h and not dependent on t. As such, γ(h)=Cov(Xt,Xt+h)\gamma (h) = Cov(X_t, X_{t+h}) is a Auto Covariance Function

  1. E[xt]E[x_t] is constant
  2. Cov(Xt,Xs)=Cov(Xt+,Xs+h)Cov(X_t, X_s) = Cov(X_{t+},X_{s+h}), for all s,ts, t
    1. for t=st=s, Var(x_t) = Var(X_{t+h})$

      White Noise is stationary?
      Weekly 1) Yes. 2) Yes. 2-1) Yes as sigma2sigma^2

전구 하나에 50개, 퓨즈 한번에 50개. 관계가 있는지를 정확히 할거면, 50*50의 관계를 모두 관찰해야한다. 이게 어렵기 때문에 stationary를 가정한다.

Auto Correlation Function

Signal scale에 무관하게 볼 수 있다. lag와 시계열에 얼마나 유사성이 있는가. Auto corr, auto var가지고, stationary func인지 알수 있다. 연구하는 루틴은,

  1. trend 없애고
  2. residual가지고 sequence가지고 만든다.

Autocorrelation function

From auto-covariacnce function γx(h)=E[Xt,Xt+h]\gamma_x(h) = E[X_t, X_{t+h}], auto-correlation function ρx(h)=γx(h)γx(0)]\rho_x(h) = \frac{\gamma_x(h)}{\gamma_x(0)}] is defined. ρ\rho의 범위는 cauchy property로 증명 가능하다.


1) abs(ρx(h))γx(0)abs(\rho_x(h)) \leq \gamma_x(0) 2) γ(h)=γ(h)\gamma (h) = \gamma (-h)
> Proof
> γ(h)=γ(t+ht)=Cov(Xt+h+Xt)\gamma (h) = \gamma(t+h-t) = Cov(X_{t+h}+X_t)
=γ(t(th))=Cov(Xt,Xth=γ(h)= \gamma (t-(t-h))=Cov(X_t, X_{t-h} = \gamma (-h)
> Thus, γ(h)=γ(h)\gamma (h) = \gamma (-h)

Linear Models

Moving Average of order q MA(q)MA(q)

Xt=atθ1at1θqatqX_t = a_t - \theta_1 a_{t-1} - \cdots - \theta_q a_{t-q}

  1. 화이트 노이즈가 들어가있다고 가정.
  2. 직전의 노이들이 θ\theta 만큼 영향

So that MA(1)=atθ1at1MA(1) = a_t - \theta_1 a_{t-1}.

Is it statrionary?

1) E[Xt]=E[at]θE[at1]+μ=μE[X_t] = E[a_t] - \theta E[a_{t-1}]+\mu = \mu is constnat 2) Cov(xt,Xt+h)=γ(h)Cov(x_t, X_{t+h})=\gamma(h) 1) [t]γ(0)=Cov(atθ1at1,atθ1at1)=σa2+θ2σq2\begin{aligned}[t] \gamma(0) = Cov(a_t - \theta_1 a_{t-1}, a_t - \theta_1 a_{t-1}) = \sigma_a^2 + \theta^2 \cdot \sigma_q^2 \end{aligned} 1) This is because white noises are uncorrelated with each other in other time steps.

Something needed more here


Moving Average: Xt=mt+YtX_t = m_t+Y_t

LetWt=12q+1j=qqXtj=12q+1j=qq,tj+12q+1j=qqYtj=mtLet\: W_t = \frac{1}{2q+1}\sum_{j=-q}^{q} X_{t-j} \\ = \frac{1}{2q+1}\sum_{j=-q}^{q} ,_{t-j} + \frac{1}{2q+1}\sum_{j=-q}^{q} Y_t-j \\ = m_t

Residual을 smoothing해버리면 0에가까워질 것이라는 인사이트로 moving average filter를 사용하는 것이다

Exponential Smoothing

mt^=αXt+(1α)Xt1^\hat{m_t} = \alpha X_t + (1-\alpha)\hat{X_{t-1}}

Smoothing Splines

What is Spline? Connecting method! 3-point interpolation is cubic spline. If there’s too many points, 점들을 다 연결하기에, trend를 놓칠 수 있다. 이걸 부드럽게 만들어주는 regularized cubic spline을 사용한다. 어느정도 smooth할지 parameter를 본다.
Given by $argmin\:\sum_{i=1}^n [X_t-f_t]^2 + \lambda \int (f''_t)^2dt$ where ftf_t is 구간별로 3차식을 사용하여 fit 시킨 것이다. 뒷 항은 smoothing level이다.
How to find lambda? Cross validation을 사용하면 된다.

  1. lambda is fixed as initial point.
  2. Randomly find 30% of the data as test data.
  3. Train the model with the rest of the data.
  4. Randomly delete 30% data, calcualte SSR and keep repeat.
  5. Change lambda and repeat. => we can find lambda that minimize SSR

Kernel Smoothing

all observed point nn affect t. i-th observation’s constant. W is the weight that t has on i-th observation. $\hat{m_t} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} W_i(t)X_i\\ where\ W_i(t) = K(\frac{t-i}{b})/\sum_{j=1}^{n} K(\frac{t-j}{b})\\ and\ K(z) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left(-\frac{z^2}{2}\right)$ As a result, 영향이 거리에 따라서 감소한다.
b is bandwith

Trend elimination by differencing

Xt=mt+YtX_t = m_t + Y_t

e.g.) By OLS, we got
mt^=11.2+0.5t\hat{m_t} = -11.2 + 0.5t
Yt^=Xtmt^Xt+11.20.5t\hat{Y_t} = X_t -\hat{m_t} -X_t+11.2 - 0.5t Look at this residual is stationary or not.

Zt=XtXt1=(mtmt1)+Z_t = X_t - X_{t-1}= (m_t - m_{t-1}) + \dots and first term is constant if YtY_t is stationary, ZtZ_t is also stationary.

For the sake of notation,

Xt=XtXt1=(1B)Xt\nabla X_t = X_t - X_{t-1} = (1-B)X_t
(Xt)=(XtXt1)=(XtXt1)(Xt1Xt2)=Xt2Xt1+Xt2=(1B)2Xt\nabla\nabla(X_t) = \nabla(X_t-X_{t-1}) = (X_t - X_{t-1}) - (X_{t-1} - X_{t-2}) = X_t - 2X_{t-1} + X_{t-2} = (1-B)^2X_t
where Backshift Operator BXt=Xt1BX_t = X_{t-1} So that, d=(1B)d\nabla^d = (1-B)^d Seasonality? FFT, periodogram!

Autoregressive model AR(1)AR(1)

$X_t = \phi X_{t-1}+a_t+\mu$ where μ\mu is offset, ata_t is white noise at time t.\

E[Xt]=ϕE[Xt1]+μE[X_t] = \phi E[X_{t-1}] + \mu
Var[Xt]=ϕ2Var[Xt1]+2ϕVar[Xt1,at]σa2=ϕ2Var[Xt1]+σa2Var[X_t] = \phi^2 Var[X_{t-1}] + 2\phi Var[X_{t-1}, a_t] \sigma_a^2 = \phi^2 Var[X_{t-1}]+\sigma_a^2
Since stationary or Causal time series, 지금의 관측치는 미래의 노이즈와는 무관하다. so, middle part =0

Stationary condition of AR(1)

If a model is stationary,

  • E(yt)=E(yt1)==E(y1)=μE(y_t) = E(y_{t-1}) = \cdots = E(y_1) = \mu
  • E[ϵt]=0E[\epsilon_t] =0


E(yt)=E(ϕ0+ϕ1yt1+ϵt)=ϕ0+ϕ1E(yt1)+0\begin{aligned} E(y_t) &= E(\phi_0 + \phi_1 y_{t-1} + \epsilon_t) \\ &= \phi_0 + \phi_1 E(y_{t-1}) + 0 \end{aligned}

and by using a stationary condition E(yt)=E(yt1)=μE(y_t) = E(y_{t-1}) = \mu,

μ=ϕ0+ϕ1μμ=ϕ01ϕ1\begin{aligned} \mu &= \phi_0 + \phi_1 \mu\\ \mu &= \frac{\phi_0}{1-\phi_1} \end{aligned}

Embedding ϕ0=μ(1ϕ1)\phi_0 = \mu (1-\phi_1) to a model of AR(1), and compute variance and use the definition of stationary.

yt=ϕ0+ϕ1yt1+ϵtyt=μ(1ϕ1)+ϕ1yt1+ϵtytμ=ϕ1(yt1μ)+ϵtVar(yt)=ϕ12Var(yt1)+Var(ϵt)Var(yt)=Var(ϵt)1ϕ120 (Var(yt)=Var(yt1))\begin{aligned} y_t &= \phi_0 + \phi_1 y_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\\ y_t &= \mu(1-\phi_1) + \phi_1 y_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\\ y_t - \mu &= \phi_1(y_{t-1} - \mu) + \epsilon_t \\ \:\\ Var(y_t) &= \phi_1^2 Var(y_{t-1}) + Var(\epsilon_t)\\ Var(y_t) &= \frac{Var(\epsilon_t)}{1-\phi_1^2} \geq 0 \ (\because Var(y_t) = Var(y_{t-1}) ) \end{aligned}

Thus, $\phi_1^2 \leq 1$

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