Time Series 1
Tags: Stationary, White Noise
Categories: Time Series
multiple h1 is availalbe?
White noise
We assume it is uncorrelated
Covariance measures linear relationship between X, Y. e.g.)
- e.g.2) What if ? .
- Since X and Y are (0,0) symmetric,
- constatnt w.r.t. time
=> Denoted as \
Usually assume wn. Independent is sufficient condition of but not for the other way.
Stationary time series
is statoary = ’s distribution does not change
Strictly Stationary
. If this equals with
, then the time series is stationary.
If then,
Why? looking at cdf of random variable is impossible. At most
joint pobability of 2 variable are possible to find.
Weakly stationary
In most case it is weakly stationary if we call some process is stationary. has only dependent on h and not dependent on t. As such, is a Auto Covariance Function
- is constant
, for all
, Var(x_t) = Var(X_{t+h})$
White Noise is stationary?
Weekly 1) Yes. 2) Yes. 2-1) Yes as
, Var(x_t) = Var(X_{t+h})$
전구 하나에 50개, 퓨즈 한번에 50개. 관계가 있는지를 정확히 할거면, 50*50의 관계를 모두 관찰해야한다. 이게 어렵기 때문에 stationary를 가정한다.
Auto Correlation Function
Signal scale에 무관하게 볼 수 있다. lag와 시계열에 얼마나 유사성이 있는가. Auto corr, auto var가지고, stationary func인지 알수 있다. 연구하는 루틴은,
- trend 없애고
- residual가지고 sequence가지고 만든다.
Autocorrelation function
From auto-covariacnce function , auto-correlation function is defined. 의 범위는 cauchy property로 증명 가능하다.
> Proof
> Thus,
Linear Models
Moving Average of order q
- 화이트 노이즈가 들어가있다고 가정.
- 직전의 노이들이 만큼 영향
So that .
Is it statrionary?
1) is constnat 2) 1) 1) This is because white noises are uncorrelated with each other in other time steps.
Something needed more here
Moving Average:
Residual을 smoothing해버리면 0에가까워질 것이라는 인사이트로 moving average filter를 사용하는 것이다
Exponential Smoothing
Smoothing Splines
What is Spline? Connecting method! 3-point interpolation is
cubic spline. If there’s too many points, 점들을 다 연결하기에,
trend를 놓칠 수 있다. 이걸 부드럽게 만들어주는 regularized cubic
spline을 사용한다. 어느정도 smooth할지 parameter를 본다.
Given by
$argmin\:\sum_{i=1}^n [X_t-f_t]^2 + \lambda \int
is 구간별로 3차식을 사용하여 fit 시킨 것이다. 뒷 항은 smoothing
How to find lambda? Cross validation을 사용하면 된다.
- lambda is fixed as initial point.
- Randomly find 30% of the data as test data.
- Train the model with the rest of the data.
- Randomly delete 30% data, calcualte SSR and keep repeat.
- Change lambda and repeat. => we can find lambda that minimize SSR
Kernel Smoothing
all observed point
affect t. i-th observation’s constant. W is the weight that t
has on i-th observation.
$\hat{m_t} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} W_i(t)X_i\\ where\ W_i(t) =
K(\frac{t-i}{b})/\sum_{j=1}^{n} K(\frac{t-j}{b})\\ and\ K(z)
As a result, 영향이 거리에 따라서 감소한다.
b is bandwith
Trend elimination by differencing
e.g.) By OLS, we got
Look at this residual is stationary or not.
and first term is constant if is stationary, is also stationary.
For the sake of notation,
where Backshift Operator So that, Seasonality? FFT, periodogram!
Autoregressive model
$X_t = \phi X_{t-1}+a_t+\mu$ where is offset, is white noise at time t.\
Since stationary or Causal time series, 지금의 관측치는 미래의 노이즈와는 무관하다. so, middle part =0
Stationary condition of AR(1)
If a model is stationary,
and by using a stationary condition ,
Embedding to a model of AR(1), and compute variance and use the definition of stationary.
Thus, $\phi_1^2 \leq 1$
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